From the base of the Air Force memorial during the Berlin Airlift Anniversary. PSG sponsors community events such as the 2019 Prickly Pedal Race to benefit the Maricopa Trail & Park Foundation. PSG was selected as IEEE Phoenix Section Small Business of the Year at the IEEE Awards Banquet (April 2018) PSG sponsored a Machine Learning Capstone where students developed a repeatable Machine Learning process PSG delivering cheer and gifts to our adopted family of 5 for Christmas (December 2020) City of Goodyear PSG Adopt-A-Street Sign PSG volunteers participated in Goodyear’s Adopt-A-Street Program (February 2016) PSG volunteers participated in Goodyear’s Adopt-A-Street Program (December 2018) PSG volunteers participated in Goodyear’s Adopt-A-Street Program (April 2019) PSG volunteers participated in Goodyear’s Adopt-A-Street Program (November 2020) PSG volunteers participated in Goodyear’s Adopt-A-Street Program (March 2021) PSG volunteers participated in Goodyear’s Adopt-A-Street Program (July 2021) Governor Doug Ducey pays a visit to PSG as part of the AZHiresVets! initiative (March 2022) Governor Doug Ducey shakes Sharon Marvin’s hand during a tour of the PSG facility (March 2022)